Designing for Gen Z: Strategies to Attract Younger Audiences

Designing for Gen Z: Strategies to Attract Younger Audiences

Born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, Gen Z is fast becoming a formidable consumer group, wielding considerable influence over market trends and brand preferences. As digital natives, they possess unique online habits that set them apart from previous...
17 Key Features Every Website Needs

17 Key Features Every Website Needs

It can be hard to know where to start when designing a website. There are so many options and it can seem complicated. Well don’t fear, in this post I’m going to show you the key elements that every website needs to set itself up for success. What really annoys you on...
Introducing Good Nook: A Free Art Deco Font

Introducing Good Nook: A Free Art Deco Font

Introducing Good Nook, a whimsical Art Deco typeface with handwritten character. A friend of mine wrote a door sign by hand and I really liked it, so we collaborated on this new typeface. It has obvious Art Deco influence with tall letters and exaggerated x-height/...
How to Create Glassmorphism With Photoshop

How to Create Glassmorphism With Photoshop

Glassmorphism is looking to be one of the hot new graphic design trends of 2021. These glassy UI elements use grain, transparency and colour to create slick interfaces that look easy on the eye. However, the idea of using glassy backgrounds in interfaces isn’t...
4 Free Design Tools I Use All the Time

4 Free Design Tools I Use All the Time

Here’s a snappy list of super helpful tools I rely on that can help your design process no end, whether you’re designing a logo, a website, a poster or the curtains. Every time I start a project you can guarantee I’ll either use one of these...
Slow Website? Here’s a Free Tip.

Slow Website? Here’s a Free Tip.

Why is page speed important? Website speed is important. It’s not just about convenience, it makes real-world difference to the effectiveness of a website. Search engines now consider the speed of a website in their search results ranking, so a slow site could...
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