The real estate industry is a highly competitive market, and having a professional and well-designed website is crucial for success. A website grants real estate agents the opportunity to exhibit their listings, highlight their services, and establish a robust online presence. In this digital era, where most property searches begin on the internet, a website acts as a potential client’s first touchpoint. Thus, having a website that projects a strong image and offers a seamless user experience is crucial in attracting and retaining clients in the real estate industry.

How to create a real estate website for free

Developing a website no longer requires coding or technical know-how, thanks to website builders. These platforms allow you to create a website with ease, even if you don’t have coding skills.

Many website builders provide free plans, offering a cost-effective solution for real estate agents to develop their website. Some of the most popular free website builders for real estate include Wix, Weebly, and These platforms come with a variety of templates and customization options that enable you to create a professional-looking website in no time.

While free website builders are an economical solution for creating a real estate website, there are some drawbacks to consider. These plans often come with restrictions on storage space, features, and branding options. Additionally, you may have to pay a monthly fee to remove advertisements and for a custom domain name.

Despite these drawbacks, free website builders can be a smart choice for real estate agents starting out or those who have a limited budget.

Most popular real estate websites

The real estate industry boasts a multitude of well-known websites, each offering a unique set of services and features. Some of the most prominent real estate websites include Zillow,, and Redfin. These websites provide a host of services, from property listings and searches to helpful tools for homebuyers and sellers.

When comparing real estate websites, it is critical to assess several key factors, such as the number of listings, the efficiency of their search function, and the availability of additional resources and tools. Additionally, the presence of a mobile app that is easy to use, a user-friendly interface, and a website with a visually appealing design are also important factors to consider when determining the most popular real estate website.

Ultimately, the most popular real estate website is subjective and will vary based on the specific needs and preferences of real estate agents and their clients. It is advisable to research and compare multiple real estate websites to determine the best fit for your business.

Popular real estate website homepage with clear messaging and user-friendly navigation

Example real estate website homepage with clear messaging and user-friendly navigation, courtesy of Md Shahed Hossain

Should I make a website as a real estate agent?

As a real estate agent, having a website is essential in today’s digital age. Not only does it enable you to display your listings and services, but it also serves as a platform to establish your brand online and expand your reach to a broader audience. With the majority of people starting their property search on the internet, having a personal website is an advantage that can’t be overlooked.

Having a website presents multiple benefits, including the ability to manage your online reputation, showcase your expertise and industry experience, and establish trust and credibility with potential clients. By demonstrating your dedication to your business and professional skills, you can increase your chances of attracting new clients and retaining existing ones.

While building a website on your own may seem like a cost-effective solution, it also has several drawbacks. Creating a professional and well-designed website requires technical skills in web design and development, which may not be within your area of expertise. Moreover, building a website from scratch can be time-consuming and may divert your attention from other crucial tasks in your business. Furthermore, without proper optimization, your website may struggle to rank high in search engines, making it harder for potential clients to discover you online. Maintaining a website also requires ongoing effort and attention to ensure its security and up-to-date information, which can be challenging for busy real estate agents.

Investing in a professional web developer is advisable for a successful real estate website. A web developer brings technical expertise and optimized search engine ranking, ensuring ease of navigation and effective showcasing of your listings and services. Furthermore, a web developer will handle ongoing maintenance, freeing up time for other important tasks. By hiring a professional web developer, you can ensure a quality website and a strong online presence, helping you reach more potential clients.

What pages should a real estate website have?

A well-designed real estate website should have several key pages to effectively showcase your services and listings. At the very least, these include:

  1. Homepage
  2. About Us
  3. Listings/Properties
  4. Testimonials/Reviews
  5. Contact Us


As the first point of contact for potential clients, your homepage must leave an indelible impression. A visually stunning design, effortless navigation, and a dazzling showcase of your listings, services, and what sets you apart from the competition – these are the elements that will make your homepage truly unforgettable.

About Us

The About Us page is a chance for you to introcude yourself and your company and to reassure potential clients, showcasing both your expertise and experience in the world of real estate. By highlighting your unique selling points and allowing potential clients a glimpse into the inner workings of your business, you can establish trust and credibility from the get-go.


This is where the magic happens on your real estate website! Showcase all your current listings with breathtaking photos and in-depth descriptions. Make sure your listings page is intuitively navigable and searchable, so prospective clients can easily uncover properties that align with their needs.


Rave reviews from ecstatic former customers can be a game-changer in establishing confidence and legitimacy in the eyes of prospective clients. Elevate your website’s credibility by proudly showcasing glowing testimonials and recommendations from your satisfied clientele.

Contact Us

An effective and user-friendly Contact Us page is imperative for prospective clients who seek additional information or wish to schedule a viewing. Ensure to feature all of your contact information, such as your telephone number and email address, along with a straightforward contact form that makes it easy for them to reach you.

This is just one of the key elements that every real estate website should include. However, depending on your individual needs and objectives, you may opt to add extra pages such as a blog, a resource center, or a frequently asked questions section.

What to avoid in a real estate website

  1. Slow loading speeds
  2. Disappointing property visuals and uninspiring details
  3. Outdated design

When crafting a real estate website, it’s vital to sidestep common blunders that can detract from the user experience and detract from your reputation as a real estate expert. Here are a few things to be cautious of:

Slow loading speeds

A website that drags its feet will immediately lose potential clients’ interest. Ensure that your website is streamlined for swift load times, as this will enhance the user experience and keep potential clients intrigued.

Disappointing property visuals and uninspiring details

Impeccable imagery and comprehensive descriptions of your listings are pivotal in exhibiting your properties in their best light. Low-quality visuals and lackluster descriptions can undermine the overall appeal of your website and affect your reputation as a real estate expert.

Outdated design

An outdated appearance can make your website appear unprofessional and detract from the user experience. Ensure to adopt a modern and visually enticing design that accurately embodies your brand and appeals to potential clients.

By sidestepping these commonplace errors, you can guarantee that your real estate website is effective and professional, and helps you attract and retain potential clients.

Example of a responsive website design, showing the same website on a laptop and mobile device

Example of a responsive website design, showing the same website on a desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone

Is WordPress good for real estate?

When it comes to creating a top-notch real estate website, WordPress is an attractive option. Boasting features such as:

  • Customizable Design: With a vast selection of design templates and themes, WordPress empowers you to craft a website that aligns with your brand’s visual identity.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: WordPress is known for its intuitive and straightforward interface, making it effortless to manage and update your site, even with limited technical know-how.
  • Thriving Community: WordPress has a massive and active community of users, providing ample resources such as plugins, themes, and support to tap into.
  • Search Engine Optimized: WordPress is optimized for search engine optimization (SEO), which elevates your website’s visibility on search engines and boosts your chances of attracting potential clients.

In conclusion, WordPress is a solid choice for real estate agents looking for a customizable and user-friendly platform that’s optimized for SEO. However, it’s crucial to note that using WordPress requires some technical savvy. If you’re not confident in your abilities, consider enlisting the help of a professional web developer.

How to do SEO for real estate

Maximizing your real estate website’s search engine optimization (SEO) can be the key to attracting more potential clients and climbing higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some tips to help you optimize your real estate website for SEO:

  1. Keyword-rich Content: Conduct thorough research to identify relevant keywords and strategically incorporate them into your website’s content, meta tags, and images. This will help search engines comprehend the essence of your website and enhance your search engine ranking.

  2. Local Search Optimization: Enhance the local search optimization of your website by including your location and contact details, and incorporating local keywords into your content.

  3. Stunning Images: Incorporate high-quality images into your website to not only make it visually appealing, but to also boost your website’s SEO. These images will help engage potential clients and increase their interest in your properties.

  4. Quality Backlinks: Establish backlinks from reputable, high-authority websites to increase your website’s search engine ranking and visibility.

  5. Regular Updates: Keep your website current and relevant by regularly updating it with fresh and pertinent content. This will not only maintain the interest of potential clients but also improve your website’s search engine ranking.

By following these perplexing tips, you can unleash the full potential of your real estate website’s SEO and draw in more potential clients through search engines.

Top hashtags for real estate

Leveraging the power of hashtags on social media powerhouses like Instagram and Twitter can skyrocket your reach and tap into a whole new realm of prospective real estate clients. Utilize these buzzworthy real estate hashtags to maximize your impact:


Cost of building a property website

The expense of constructing a property website in the UK is a multifaceted affair and is subject to a range of influencing factors, including the intricacies of the website, the cost of the developer, and the capabilities you seek. At the low end, you could assemble a standard website using a website builder for approximately £10 to £15 per month. Engaging a seasoned web developer for a custom website could range from a low of £500 to a high of £5000 or more, contingent on the specifications you require.

It’s important to consider your budget when building a property website in the UK and determine what features are most important to you and your clients. While custom websites crafted by professional web developers can come with a higher price tag, they provide a unique and professional online persona that can give you a competitive advantage in the real estate market.

In conclusion, the cost of building a simple property website in the UK can vary widely depending on your needs and budget. However, investing in a professional website can yield a substantial return on investment, in terms of heightened visibility, credibility, and sales.


In today’s digital age, having a well-designed and effective real estate website is more important than ever. Your website serves as a medium to reach potential clients, exhibit your listings, and establish your brand identity. Whether you prefer to craft a website on your own or opt for the services of a professional web developer, it’s crucial to consider your objectives, budget, and target audience while designing your real estate website.

To make sure that your website design appeals to your clients, include features like intuitive navigation, eye-catching images, and comprehensive information about your properties and services. Furthermore, incorporating SEO strategies like incorporating relevant keywords and utilizing popular real estate hashtags on social media can aid in boosting your website’s search engine ranking and expand your online reach.

In conclusion, a top-notch real estate website is a smart investment that can help you grow your business, enhance online visibility, and earn the trust of potential clients. Whether you’re starting from scratch or revamping your existing website, taking the time to carefully consider the key aspects of website design will help you attain your goals and thrive in the competitive real estate market.

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Author: Aidan Ashby

Aidan is a web and branding designer living in Bristol, UK. He’s a cautious optimist and is loathe to discuss himself in the third person. He loves pancakes and has a perpetual desire to just be sat in the woods with his feet up in front of a bonfire.

Connect with Aidan on LinkedIn.


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